7CCSMCIS Cryptography and Information Security

Coursework 4
MSc Computing and Security
13 min read

What is a one-way function and what are its properties?

A function $f: X \rightarrow Y$ is a one-way function, if $f$ is easy to compute for all $x \in X$ but $f^{-1}$ is hard (or infeasible) to compute.

What is a trapdoor one-way function? Give one example.

A trapdoor one-way function $f_k: X \rightarrow Y$ is a one-way function where given the $k$ it becomes feasible to compute $f^{-1}_k$ but is infeasible otherwise.
e.g. modular cube roots when we know $p$ and $q$ .

Use both Euclid’s algorithm and Extended Euclid’s algorithm to compute $gcd(1970, 1066)$ , showing all steps of the computations.

Euclid(a, b):
    if b == 0:
        return a
        return Euclid(b, a % b)

Extended Euclid’s (Unravelling):


  • $d = d_{i-1}$
  • $x = y_{i-1}$
  • $y = x_{i-1} - (q \times x)$
$a$$b$$q = [a/b]$$d$$x$$y$
$1970$$1066$$1$$2$$-204$$173 - (1 \times -204) = 377$
$1066$$904$$1$$2$$173$$-31 - (1 \times 173) = -204$
$904$$162$$5$$2$$-31$$18 - (5 \times -31) = 173$
$162$$94$$1$$2$$18$$-13 - (1 \times 18) = -31$
$94$$68$$1$$2$$-13$$5 - (1 \times -13) = 18$
$68$$26$$2$$2$$5$$-3 - (2 \times 5) = -13$
$26$$16$$1$$2$$-3$$2 - (1 \times -3) = 5$
$16$$10$$1$$2$$2$$-1 - (1 \times 2) = -3$
$10$$6$$1$$2$$-1$$1 - (1 \times -1) = 2$
$6$$4$$1$$2$$1$$0 - (1 \times -1) = -1$
$4$$2$$1$$2$$0$$1 - (2 \times 0) = 1$

Consider the primes $p = 11$ and $q = 23$ .
Calculate $n$ and $\phi(n)$

For this we should know:

  • $n = pq$
  • $\phi(n) = (p - 1)(q - 1)$
$$ n = 11 \times 23 = 253 $$
$$ \begin{aligned} \phi(n) &= (11 - 1)(23 - 1)\\ &= 10 \times 22\\ \phi(n) &= 220 \end{aligned} $$

Explain which of the values $e = 3$ or $e = 5$ is usable as a public key for this given $n$ .

We have to choose an $e$ where $gcd(\phi(n), e) = 1$ and $1 < e < \phi(n)$ .

Let’s try $gcd(220, 3)$ first.

$a$$b$$q = [a/b]$$d$$x$$y$

As we can see, $gcd(220, 3) = 1$ . Let’s try $gcd(220, 5)$ just to show the difference.

$a$$b$$q = [a/b]$$d$$x$$y$

As we can see, $gcd(220, 5) = 5$ , therefore $e = 5$ is NOT suitable. $e = 3$ is suitable.

Use the Extended Euclid’s algorithm to calculate $d$ with the $e$ you have chosen.

We find our $d$ by finding the top value of $y$ in our previous table. We use the following rules (going backwards)

  • $d = d_{i-1}$
  • $x = y_{i-1}$
  • $y = x_{i-1} - (q \times x)$
$a$$b$$q = [a/b]$$d$$x$$y$
$220$$3$$73$$1$$1$$0 - (73 \times 1) = -73$
$3$$1$$3$$1$$0$$1 - (3 \times 0) = 1$

We get $y = -73$ , therefore $d = -73 \bmod 220 = 247$ .

Encrypt $M = 165$ and then decrypt the resulting ciphertext.

We use $C = M^e \bmod n$ .

$$ \begin{aligned} C &= 165^3 \bmod 253\\ C &= \end{aligned} $$


Using $M = C^d \bmod n$ .

$$ \begin{aligned} M &= C^{147} \bmod 253\\ M &= \end{aligned} $$

Consider the RSA algorithm with $n = 55$ and $e = 7$ .

  • Encipher the plaintext $M = 10$ .

Use $C = M^e \bmod 55$ .

  • Break the cipher by finding $p$ , $q$ and $d$ .

We know:

  • $n = pq$ , $n = 55$

We can guess $p = 5$ , $q = 11$ as 2 primes.

  • $\phi(n) = (p - 1)(q - 1) = 40$

To find $d$ , we know $d = e^{-1} \bmod \phi(n)$ .

$d = 7^{-1} \bmod 40$ . We can use Extended-Euclid’s Algorithm.

$a$$b$$q = [a/b]$$d$$x$$y$
$40$$7$$5$$1$$3$$-2 - (5 \times 3) = -17$
$7$$5$$1$$1$$-2$$1 - (1 \times -2) = 3$
$5$$2$$2$$1$$1$$0 - (2 \times 1) = -2$
$2$$1$$2$$1$$0$$1 - (2 \times 0) = 1$

We have $y = -17$ , therefore $d = -17 \bmod 40 = 23$ .

Perform encryption and decryption using the RSA algorithm for the following:

$p = 3$ , $q = 11$ , $d = 7$ , $M = 5$

  1. $n = pq = 33$
  2. $\phi(n) = (p-1)(q-1) = 20$
  3. Select $e$ such that $gcd(\phi(n), e) = 1$ and $1 < e < \phi(n)$ .
  4. Use Extended-Euclid’s algorithm to find $d$ .

Let’s try $e = 3$

$a$$b$$q = [a/b]$$d$$x$$y$
$20$$3$$6$$1$$-1$$1 - (6 \times -1) = 7$
$3$$2$$1$$1$$1$$0 - (1 \times 1) = -1$
$2$$1$$2$$1$$0$$1 - (2 \times 0) = 1$

$gcd(20, 3) = 1$ , therefore $e = 3$ is a good candidate. $y = 7$ , therefore $d = 7 \bmod 20 = 7$ .


We know $C = M^e \bmod n$

$$ \begin{aligned} C &= 5^3 \bmod 33\\ &= 125 \bmod 33\\ C &= 26 \end{aligned} $$


We know $M = C^d \bmod n$

$$ \begin{aligned} M &= 26^7 \bmod 33\\ &= (26^2 \times 26^2 \times 26^2 \times 26) \bmod 33\\ &= (676 \times 676 \times 676 \times 26) \bmod 33\\ &= (16 \times 16 \times 16 \times 26) \bmod 33\\ &= (256 \times 16 \times 26) \bmod 33\\ &= (25 \times 16 \times 26) \bmod 33\\ &= (650 \times 16) \bmod 33\\ &= (23 \times 16) \bmod 33\\ &= (23 \times 16) \bmod 33\\ &= 368 \bmod 33\\ M &= 5 \end{aligned} $$

$p = 5$ , $q = 11$ , $e = 3$ , $M = 9$

  1. $n = pq = 55$
  2. $\phi(n) = (p-1)(q-1) = 40$
  3. Select $e$ such that $gcd(\phi(n), e) = 1$ and $1 < e < \phi(n)$ . $e = 3$
  4. Use Extended-Euclid’s algorithm to find $d$ .
$a$$b$$q = [a/b]$$d$$x$$y$
$40$$3$$13$$1$$1$$0 - (13 \times 1) = -13$
$3$$1$$3$$1$$0$$1 - (3 \times 0) = 1$

$y = -13$ , therefore $d = -13 \bmod 40 = 27$


We know: $C = M^e \bmod n$

$$ \begin{aligned} C &= 9^3 \bmod 55\\ &= (9^2 \times 9) \bmod 55\\ &= (26 \times 9) \bmod 55\\ &= 234 \bmod 55\\ C &= 14 \end{aligned} $$


We know: $M = C^d \bmod n$

$M = 14^27 \bmod 55 = 9$

Consider the RSA algorithm with $p = 7$ , $q = 3$ and $e = 5$ .

Encipher the plaintext $M = 4$ .

We know:

  • $C = M^e \bmod n$
  • $n = pq = 21$
$$ \begin{aligned} C &= 4^5 \bmod 21\\ &= (4^3 \times 4^2) \bmod 21\\ &= (64 \times 16) \bmod 21\\ &= (1 \times -5) \bmod 21\\ C &= 16 \end{aligned} $$

Decipher the resulting ciphertext $C$ to obtain again $M$ .

We know:

  • $M = C^d \bmod n$
  • $d = e^{-1} \bmod \phi(n)$
  • $\phi(n) = (p-1)(q-1) = 12$
$$ d = 5^{-1} \bmod 12 $$
$a$$b$$q = [a/b]$$d$$x$$y$
$12$$5$$2$$1$$-2$$1 - (2 \times -2) = 5$
$5$$2$$2$$1$$1$$0 - (2 \times 1) = -2$
$2$$1$$2$$1$$0$$1 - (2 \times 0) = 1$

$y = 5$ , therefore $d = 5 \bmod 12$ .


$M = C^d \bmod n$
$$ \begin{aligned} M &= 16^5 \bmod 21\\ &= (16^2 \times 16^2 \times 16) \bmod 21\\ &= (172 \times 172 \times 16) \bmod 21\\ &= (4 \times 4 \times 16) \bmod 21\\ &= (16 \times 16) \bmod 21\\ &= 172 \bmod 21\\ M &= 4 \end{aligned} $$

Why are these $p = 7$ , $q = 3$ and $e = 5$ not really a good choice for RSA?

They are very small numbers which can be brute-forced quite quickly. Normally RSA will use numbers represented by 1024+ bits.

Consider a Diffie-Hellman key exchange with $\alpha = 2$ , $q = 11$ , $X_A = 9$ , $X_B = 3$ . Compute $Y_A$ and $Y_B$ , and the secret key $K$ .

We know:

  • $Y_A = \alpha^{X_A} \bmod q$
  • $Y_B = \alpha^{X_B} \bmod q$
  • $K_A = Y_B^{X_A} \bmod q$
  • $K_B = Y_A^{X_B} \bmod q$
$$ \begin{aligned} Y_A &= 2^9 \bmod 11\\ &= (2^4 \times 2^4 \times 2) \bmod 11\\ &= (5 \times 5 \times 2) \bmod 11\\ &= 50 \bmod 11\\ Y_A &= 6 \end{aligned} $$
$$ \begin{aligned} Y_B &= 2^3 \bmod 11\\ &= 8 \bmod 11\\ Y_B &= 8 \end{aligned} $$
$$ \begin{aligned} K_A &= 8^9 \bmod 11\\ &= (8^2 \times 8^2 \times 8^2 \times 8^2 \times 8) \bmod 11\\ &= (9^2 \times 9^2 \times 8) \bmod 11\\ &= (4^2 \times 8) \bmod 11\\ &= (5 \times 8) \bmod 11\\ K_A &= 7 \end{aligned} $$
$$ \begin{aligned} K_B &= 6^3 \bmod 11\\ &= (6^2 \times 6) \bmod 11\\ &= (3 \times 6) \bmod 11\\ K_B &= 7 \end{aligned} $$

Therefore $K = 7$ .

Consider a Diffie-Hellman scheme with $\alpha = 3$ , $q = 17$ , $X_A = 7$ , $X_B = 4$ . Compute $Y_A$ and $Y_B$ , and the secret key $K$ .

We know:

  • $Y_A = \alpha^{X_A} \bmod q$
  • $Y_B = \alpha^{X_B} \bmod q$
  • $K_A = Y_B^{X_A} \bmod q$
  • $K_B = Y_A^{X_B} \bmod q$
$$ \begin{aligned} Y_A &= 3^7 \bmod 17\\ &= (3^3 \times 3^3 \times 3) \bmod 17\\ &= (10 \times 10 \times 3) \bmod 17\\ &= (10 \times 13) \bmod 17\\ Y_A &= 11 \end{aligned} $$
$$ \begin{aligned} Y_B &= 3^4 \bmod 17\\ &= (3^3 \times 3) \bmod 17\\ &= (10 \times 3) \bmod 17\\ Y_B &= 13 \end{aligned} $$
$$ \begin{aligned} K_A &= 13^7 \bmod 17\\ &= (13^2 \times 13^2 \times 13^2 \times 13) \bmod 17\\ &= (16^2 \times 16 \times 13) \bmod 17\\ &= (1 \times 16 \times 13) \bmod 17\\ K_A &= 4 \end{aligned} $$
$$ \begin{aligned} K_B &= 11^4 \bmod 17\\ &= (11^2 \times 11^2) \bmod 17\\ &= 2 \times 2 \bmod 17\\ K_B &= 4 \end{aligned} $$

Describe the man-in-the-middle attack to the Diffie-Hellman key exchange and how it could be prevented.

As Diffie-Hellman doesn’t provide authentication, any attacker, Charlie, could place themselves inbetween unsuspected agents, Alice and Bob. Charlie can complete the DH protocol with both Alice and Bob by intercepting their messages and establish a shared key for Alice and a separate shared key for Bob.

This attack can prevented by the use of digital signature schemes.

Describe the Diffie-Hellman key exchange protocol for three honest principals Alice, Bob and Carol. What would be the secret key for $n$ principals $A_1, A_2, ... A_n$ ?

  1. Alice, Bob and Carol all generate their random large private integer $X_A$ , $X_B$ , $X_C$ respectively and calculate their public integer $Y_i = \alpha^{X_i} \bmod q$ .
  2. Each agent sends another agent’s public integer raised with their private key to another agent (in a circular chain).
  • Alice sends Carol’s public integer raised with her private integer ( $Y_C^{X_A} \bmod q$ ) to Bob.
  • Bob sends Alice’s public integer raised with his private integer ( $Y_A^{X_B} \bmod q$ ) to Carol.
  • Carol sends Bob’s public integer raised with her private integer ( $Y_B^{X_C} \bmod q$ ) to Alice.
  1. Each agent calculates the shared key by raising what they receivied with their private integer.
  • Alice calculates $K = Y_B^{X_CX_A} \bmod q$ .
  • Bob calculates $K = Y_C^{X_AX_B} \bmod q$ .
  • Carol calculates $K = Y_A^{X_AX_C} \bmod q$ .

Describe the El Gamal algorithm

El Gamal is a sped up version of DH where agent $B$ , can respond to $A$ with an encrypted message. In the following protocol:

  1. $A \rightarrow B: Y_A$ . $A$ calculates $Y_A = \alpha^{X_A} \bmod q$ and sends it to $$B$.
  2. $B \rightarrow A: (E(M, K), Y_B)$ . $B$ calculates $Y_B = \alpha^{X_B} \bmod q$ AND computes the shared key $K_B = Y_A^{X_B} \bmod q$ and uses it to encrypt a message $M$ .
  3. $A$ calculates $Y_B^{X_A} \bmod q$ to get the shared key $K$ .

Consider the El Gamal algorithm with $\alpha = 5$ , $q = 13$ , $X_A = 7$ , $X_B = 9$ .

Consider the plaintext $M = 5$ and let symmetric encryption be just the multiplication of the plaintext and the key (not a good encryption, of course, but that is not the point here).

Carry out the algorithm (for encryption).

$$ \begin{aligned} Y_A &= \alpha^{X_A} \bmod q\\ A &\rightarrow B: Y_A\\ K_B &= Y_A^{X_B} \bmod q\\ Y_B &= \alpha^{X_B} \bmod q\\ E(M, K) = KM\\ B &\rightarrow A: (E(M, K_B), Y_B)\\ K_A &= Y_B^{X_A} \bmod q \end{aligned} $$
$$ \begin{aligned} Y_A &= 5^{7} \bmod 13\\ &= (5^2 \times 5^2 \times 5^2 \times 5) \bmod 13\\ &= (12^2 \times 12 \times 5) \bmod 13\\ &= (1 \times 60) \bmod 13\\ &= 5\\ A &\rightarrow B: 5\\ K_B &= 5^{9} \bmod 13\\ &= (5^3 \times 5^3 \times 5^3) \bmod 13\\ &= (8^2 \times 8) \bmod 13\\ &= (12 \times 8) \bmod 13\\ &= 96 \bmod 13\\ &= 5\\ Y_B &= 5^{9} \bmod 13\\ &= 5 E(M, K) = 5 \times 5 = 25\\ B &\rightarrow A: (25, 5)\\ K_A &= 5^{7} \bmod 13 &= 5 \end{aligned} $$

Why are these $\alpha = 5$ , $q = 13$ , $X_A = 7$ , $X_B = 9$ not adequate for El Gamal? Where is the problem? Would $\alpha = 3$ or $\alpha = 4$ be better?

They result in all of the keys being $5$ .

Explain in detail the main characteristics of cryptographic hash functions and give an example of an application.

The motivation behind hash functions is to create a fingerprint. A hash function, $h(x)$ has the properties:

  • Compression: $h$ maps an input $x$ of arbitrary bit length to an output $h(x)$ of fixed bit length $n$ .
  • Polynomial time computable.

A cryptographic hash function is additionally:

  • One-way (where given $y$ , it is hard to compute an $x$ where $h(x) = y$ ).
  • And either:
  • 2nd-preimage resistant: it is computationally infeasile to find a second input that has the same output as any specified input.
  • Collision resistant: it is difficult to find two distinct inputs $x$ , $x'$ where $h(x) = h(x')$ .

Explain in detail how Message Authentication Codes (MAC) work.

Bob and Alice both share a secret key $k$ . Alice uses a one-way hash function with parameter $k$ to hash a message $m$ to obtain a MAC. Alice sends this MAC along with her message $m$ to Bob who then attempts to calculate the same MAC with $k$ and $m$ in the one-way hash function. He compares his result with the MAC Alice sent and if they match, it’s valid. If they don’t, he cannot trust the message.

Explain in detail the main characteristics of a digital signature scheme. How can RSA be used for digital signatures?

Digital signatures take advantage of reversible public-key cryptosystems. A message can be encrypted with Alice’s private key; thus anyone with Alice’s public key (everyone) can decrypt the message, proving it was sent by Alice.